Quince, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Indianola, IA
July 2022
Rocco, Fidelio
Austin, TX
April 29, May 1, 2022
Fat Pig: the opera film
music: Matt Boehler, libretto: Miriam Gordon-Stewart
based on the play by Neil LaBute
feat. Tracy Cox, Troy Cook, William Ferguson, and Sarah Wolfson,
Kathleen Kelly, conductor
playing online April 2 - May 7, 2022
Sparafucile, Rigoletto
Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 12- April 2, 2022
East Coast Premiere: Risk Not One
music: Matt Boehler, poem: Todd Boss
feat. Sasha Cooke, mezzo; Kirill Kuzmin, piano
Baltimore, MD
March 6, 2022
World Premiere: Risk Not One
music: Matt Boehler, poem: Todd Boss
feat. Sasha Cooke, mezzo; Kirill Kuzmin, piano
San Francisco, CA
January 30, 2022
World Premiere: Fruit of the Flower
music: Matt Boehler, poem: Countee Cullen
feat. David Portillo, tenor; Craig Terry, piano
Washington, DC
January 9, 2022
World Premiere: Fat Pig
music: Matt Boehler, libretto: Miriam Gordon-Stewart
based on the play by Neil LaBute
feat. Tracy Cox, Troy Cook, William Ferguson, and Sarah Wolfson,
Kathleen Kelly, conductor
Charlottesville, VA
January 22 & 27, 2022
Ob: Becoming Santa Claus
music and libretto: Mark Adamo
Studebaker Theater, Chicago, IL
December 11, 17, 19, 2021
World Premiere: Think no more, lad
music: Matt Boehler, poem: A.E. Housman
Daniel Shirley, tenor; Eric Stellrecht, piano
October 4, 2021
Van Helsing: The Lord of Cries
music: John Corigliano, libretto: Mark Adamo
world premiere
Santa Fe Opera House, Santa Fe, NM
July-August 2021
Guy, Mike: Everest
opera, transformed into a graphic novel
music: Joby Talbot, libretto: Gene Scheer
Summer 2021
Reading: The Halloween Tree
music: Theo Popov, libretto: Tony Asaro
New York, NY
February 23, 2020
Out-of-our-Minds Chamber Music
Recital, performance of Foursquare Cathedral
music: Matt Boehler, poems: Todd Boss
feat. Mary-Ellen Haupert, piano
Nola Starling Recital Hall, Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI
November 24, 2019
Recital: Lyrics by Shakespeare
feat. Naomi O'Connell, Kathleen Chalfant, Steven Blier
Merkin Hall, New York, NY
October 16, 2019
Texas Christian University School of Music
performance of 75 Miles
music: Matt Boehler, libretto: Laura Barati
David Gately, director
Secrest-Wible Building, TCU, Fort Worth, TX
October 11, 2019
Osmin: The Abduction from the Seraglio
Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, Kansas City, MO
September 21-29, 2019